Jumat, 30 September 2011

Free Download Interpreting Our Heritage, by Freeman Tilden R. Bruce Craig

Free Download Interpreting Our Heritage, by Freeman Tilden R. Bruce Craig

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Interpreting Our Heritage, by Freeman Tilden R. Bruce Craig

Interpreting Our Heritage, by Freeman Tilden R. Bruce Craig

Interpreting Our Heritage, by Freeman Tilden R. Bruce Craig

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Interpreting Our Heritage, by Freeman Tilden R. Bruce Craig


"[A] seminal book which may inspire yet another generation of park rangers." -- "Reflections"

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Bruce Craig gives us cause to look at Freeman Tilden's life and writings with fresh eyes, fostering renewed appreciation for his masterful work and his passion for interpretation.--Evie Kirkwood, president, National Association for InterpretationAt first glance Tilden's principles seem simple and direct, but on reflection they are as paradoxical and poetic as the process of interpretation itself. This expanded edition of Tilden's writings is sure to make interpreters realize how Tilden speaks to us even today and continues to challenge us to do our best.--Scott Mair, coordinator of environmental education, Capital Regional District, Victoria, BC, CanadaThe interpretive profession continues to embrace Freeman Tilden and his classic text because he exemplified 'the priceless ingredient'--loving the thing you interpret and the people who come to enjoy it. This fiftieth anniversary edition is a chance to rededicate ourselves to the unfinished interpretive task--to ensure that future generations have abundant opportunities to connect to the meanings and significance of the special places for which we serve as stewards.--Theresa G. Coble, Stephen F. Austin State UniversityInterpreting Our Heritage is the defining work that firmly established Interpretation in the National Parks as a professional, equal, and unique component of NPS park management. This new edition of Tilden's seminal work will continue to influence and inspire all interpreters, serving as a vital interpretive training reference for another fifty years.--Michael D. Watson; chief of interpretation, NPS (1987-1992), and superintendent, Stephen T. Mather Training Center (1992-2006)[A] seminal book which may inspire yet another generation of park rangers.--ReflectionsSince opening its doors in 1964, the National Park Service's Stephen T. Mather Training Center in Harpers Ferry, West Virginia, has introduced each attending NPS Interpreter to Freeman Tilden's interpretive philosophy and principles. From 1967-1970, Tilden personally trained the NPS interpretive workforce as a center instructor, honing and expanding his ideas and impact among fellow interpreters. Interpreting Our Heritage is the defining work that firmly established interpretation in the National Parks as a professional, equal, and unique component of NPS park management. This new edition of Tilden's seminal work will continue to influence and inspire all interpreters, serving as a vital interpretive training reference for another fifty years.--Michael D. Watson; chief of interpretation, NPS (1987-1992), and superintendent, Stephen T. Mather Training Center (1992-2006)That our marvelous national parks are vital to Americans' collective heritage is due in no small measure to the interpretive magic of Freeman Tilden. His inspiring message is amplified and lent current salience by Bruce Craig. It is a delight to be reminded that appreciating our legacy comes, first and foremost, from being provoked into loving it.--David Lowenthal, Emeritus, University College London, author of The Past Is a Foreign Country, The Heritage Crusade and the Spoils of History, and George Perkins Marsh: Prophet of Conservation

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Product details

Paperback: 224 pages

Publisher: The University of North Carolina Press; 4th Revised & enlarged edition (March 18, 2008)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0807858676

ISBN-13: 978-0807858677

Product Dimensions:

5.5 x 0.5 x 8.5 inches

Shipping Weight: 8 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.6 out of 5 stars

37 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#188,247 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

Essential reading for anyone interested in interpretation or place based education. This version includes a preface that puts the book into context and provides a biography of Tilden. The main text of the book remains largely unchanged. Several lectures are included at the end. I'm glad I got the new version because the additions were very valuable.The tone of the book is straightforward and accessible. This was Tilden's intent. Every point he makes is supported by real world examples, mostly from the National Park Service. Although the book may seem simple, it has had a profound effect on our country in the last 50 years. The fact that much of the advice in this book seems obvious is a testament to its effectiveness. We are now a country that has grown up with a National Park Service that understands how to reach people not just present information.

The first chapter of this book is essential reading for anyone interested or working in heritage interpretation. In the first chapter Tilden posits 6 principles of interpretation. Tilden argues that heritage interpretation must first and foremost be relevant to the visitor. Interpretation is informative, but more so it aims to provoke thought and emotion; in other words, to resonant with the visitor. Interpretation is an interdisciplinary art that is teachable.It should aim at presenting a whole narrative, rather than relating informative fragments. Lastly, interpretation for children should not be a distillation of a presentation for adults, but rather a separate and distinct interpretive approach.The following chapters are enjoyable to read and offer a deeper insight into Tilden's interpretive philosophy. I particularly appreciated the extent to which Tilden's theories were inspired by Transcendentalist philosophy, especially the writings of Ralph Waldo Emerson.

I learned a lot with this book on how to be an interpretive guide. The book is old but not dated and certainly nothing better has been written. It is even used in universities for students getting a degree in non-profits such as museums. It is still as helpful as when it was written. It was recommended to me by a director of a non-profit where I volunteer, when I asked for guidance.

Readers: If you read this then it is sure you are not acquianted with MR.Tilden's Book. This text, now in reprint, is the Standard Work for thoes involved with presenting the Past to the Present. Tho written decades ago, originally for the N.P.S., its vaule has not been diluted with the Passing of Time, and its lessons carry beyound the bounds of the National Park Service Instructional Courses, for which it is written. Much of the text is devote to non-historical sites, the Grand Canyon, Yosemtie Park &tc. but there is much than can be 'borrowed' and applied to Historical Sites, such as Mt.Vernon, Montpeilier &tc. Mr. Tildens '6 Rules of Interpertation' alone, are worth the price of the Book. This writer will state, without reservation, if you are new to Historical Interpertaion or are a Guide at some Natural Feature; or an 'old hand ' who never owned a Copy of this Book; that you Buy a Copy Right Now, read it, mark it well, take some liner notes, and then apply them to your work with the Publick; the Publick will surely gain from your increased ability to communicate the Message of your Location For the Record, this writer recieved the Book as a gift from his wife, even tho he had been an Historical Interpertor for years. And this writer has gained much from that gift. Thus Ever I restMR.Charles AnthonyVolunteer-in-the-Park, Minuteman, National Historical Park, Concord, Mass./Saratoga, N.H.B. N.Y.S.74th Regt. Argyle Highlanders, 1777-1784(Recreated)Docent, 1755 Captain Willaim Tate's House, Portland, Maine

Freeman Tilden was an advocate of environmental education and is considered the originator of interpretation movement within national and state parks. This latest edition includes a new introduction section that gives a background of Tilden's life and thought processes, which sets the stage nicely for Tilden's writings. The theme book is based on the mission of "interpretation" as given by NPS director Conrad Wirth in 1953, "protection through appreciation, appreciation through understanding, and understanding through interpretation."Throughout the book, Tilden defends interpretation as an educational activity. What I find most interesting is the fact that Tilden's strategies for success as an interpreter in parks also apply to natural science classrooms. First of all, Tilden states that the aim of interpretation should be "to reveal meanings and relationships through the use of original objects, by firsthand experience, or by illustrative media, rather than simply to communicate factual information." Inquiry-based learning, usually in the form of original research projects, should be the foundation of science classes, not rote memorization. In Tilden's mind, our national, state, or city parks are the best and greatest natural classrooms for teaching individuals the basics of ecology.Finally, Tilden understood the importance of meeting individuals where they are, no matter their age. "The visitor's chief interest is in whatever touches his personality, his experience, and his ideas. Students must be engaged before they can learn. Tilden supported formalized environmental education for primary school students. However, he knew that we did not have to wait another generation. "We must reach adults, by spoken or written words," Tilden stated. As an educator, it is really easy to blame previous grade levels for a student's lack of knowledge. Tilden would agree that blaming others is a waste of time. Educators of all types should meet students where they are, regardless of age, and engage them in science using nature's principles.The principles of this book still ring true today. If you are interested in any type of wildlife education or science education in general, I would recommend this book.

Read it once or a thousand times and you will still learn something new. Freeman Tilden was an explorer but also a great interpreter.

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Interpreting Our Heritage, by Freeman Tilden R. Bruce Craig PDF

Interpreting Our Heritage, by Freeman Tilden R. Bruce Craig PDF
Interpreting Our Heritage, by Freeman Tilden R. Bruce Craig PDF

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