Selasa, 29 Agustus 2017

Download PDF Wabi-Sabi Sewing: 20 Sewing Patterns for Perfectly Imperfect Projects, by Karen Lewis

Download PDF Wabi-Sabi Sewing: 20 Sewing Patterns for Perfectly Imperfect Projects, by Karen Lewis

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Wabi-Sabi Sewing: 20 Sewing Patterns for Perfectly Imperfect Projects, by Karen Lewis

Wabi-Sabi Sewing: 20 Sewing Patterns for Perfectly Imperfect Projects, by Karen Lewis

Wabi-Sabi Sewing: 20 Sewing Patterns for Perfectly Imperfect Projects, by Karen Lewis

Download PDF Wabi-Sabi Sewing: 20 Sewing Patterns for Perfectly Imperfect Projects, by Karen Lewis

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Wabi-Sabi Sewing: 20 Sewing Patterns for Perfectly Imperfect Projects, by Karen Lewis

About the Author

Karen Lewis is quilt designer and tutor, a fabric designer for Robert Kaufman and an author--her previous title, Screen Printing at Home, was published in 2013. Karen travels widely to attend quilt shows and teach. She runs workshops at Quilt Con each year and regularly attends the Festival of Quilts in the UK. Karen is one of the founders of quilt retreat and pattern company, The Thread House, which she set up with two other prominent British quilt designers in 2016.

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Product details

Paperback: 128 pages

Publisher: SewandSo (July 31, 2018)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1446307093

ISBN-13: 978-1446307090

Product Dimensions:

8.2 x 0.5 x 10.8 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.3 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.2 out of 5 stars

8 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#112,699 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

Awesome book. Great ideas

I haven't made anything from this book yet but it has great ideas. It probably seems silly but I am going to make some blankets for my cats!

I think this book is a bit of bait and switch. It is only a quilt craft book, and not even a particularly good one. There is nothing Japanese about it. Rather it is an explanation of how expert quilter Karen Lewis uses up odd bits of spare fabric by making items that look nice without being formal and uniform. Calling it Wabi-Sabi is just being fancy.The projects for aprons, potholders, cushions, and the like are nothing special and can be seen anywhere. I found the instructions, especially the drawings, too meager for a beginner.I receive a review copy of "Wabi-Sabi Sewing: 20 Sewing Patterns for Perfectly Imperfect Projects" by Karen Lewis (F+W Media) through

I love this book, it gives me permission to not be perfect - and believe you me - if you are a serious patch worker/quilter there is no such state but perfect.This is a book that makes it fun to sew, makes it fun to make do and makes it fun to learn. There are not a lot of project in the book, but all are different from quilt, to pot holders, aprons. a lovely picnic cloth and my favourite - mended jeans in the boro style.The best thing I like about this book is that you can see and feel the effort and love that goes into these handmade items - the fact that they weren't just stuff brought off the shelve, but time and effort was taken, imagination was used, combined with a make do attitude to create some very lovely and simple articles for the home.Great book for a beginner too

I really like this perfectly imperfect approach to sewing. The author explains this approach as embracing natural imperfections; such as using treasured, mismatched scraps, hand stitching and visible mending. It makes me think of a scrap quilt that has now been passed down three generations in my family. My great grandmother pieced scraps of old clothing in various rectangular shapes into a giant collage of memories. The projects in this book are inspiring in the same way; my favorites include an infinity scarf made from stash fabrics (Informal Mixer), a tutorial for mending clothing (Well Worn) and a scrap fabric drawstring bag (Creating Calm). There are also a lot of patterns for pretty quilts (my skills aren’t quite there yet) and a great section at the end on technique. I highly recommend this book.I was given an advance reader copy of this book via netgalley in exchange for my honest review.

Wabi-Sabi Sewing is a fun and truly beautiful guide to a wildly popular Japanese sewing style. It features 20 patterns that include gorgeous quilts, an elegant scarf, quilted handbag and pouch; wall hanging; linens, place mats, coasters; pillow cases, and stitching for jeans I want to do today. Author Karen Lewis, a fabric designer and sewing/quilting guru, uses high quality natural fabrics and shows you step-by-step techniques for creating this “perfectly imperfect” style. 5/5Thanks to F + W Media and NetGalley for the review copy; opinions are fully mine.#Wabi-sabiSewing #NetGalley

Wabi-Sabi Sewing by Karen Lewis is a free NetGalley ebook that I read in late July.These are designs for stitched works with their own names/title, rather than an indication on what they are or can be used for (most turn out to be pillows, coasters, runners, totes, scarves, potholders, purses, clutches, towels, blankets, jean mending, and aprons). The instructions are fairly minimalist and show stitch diagrams and photography that makes the finished projects pop in soft relief.

This book is full of inspiration- beautiful palette of fabrics used throughout, great projects, and permission to go with the imperfect. I already have a list of projects I want to make for the holidays!

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Wabi-Sabi Sewing: 20 Sewing Patterns for Perfectly Imperfect Projects, by Karen Lewis PDF

Wabi-Sabi Sewing: 20 Sewing Patterns for Perfectly Imperfect Projects, by Karen Lewis PDF

Wabi-Sabi Sewing: 20 Sewing Patterns for Perfectly Imperfect Projects, by Karen Lewis PDF
Wabi-Sabi Sewing: 20 Sewing Patterns for Perfectly Imperfect Projects, by Karen Lewis PDF

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